Picture of Joe, Dale Sprague and Tim Mullin at the awards luncheon at Panevino Restaurant

Dale Sprague Receives USO Award for Exceptional Volunteerism

Canyon President Dale Sprague received the Local Advisory Council Member of the Year Award from the USO Intermountain Region. The award was presented during a recent USO luncheon event and came as a complete surprise.

“I was stunned when my name was announced and truly humbled and honored to be the recipient,” Dale said. “The USO helps so many people serving in the military and their families, and I’m just doing my small part to help make that happen.”

Dale is in good company on the Advisory Council. There is a Commander from Nellis Air Force Base, as well as executives from within the Aerospace, Gaming, Financial, Auto, Insurance, Real Estate and Legal industries.

Comments from Tim Mullin, Executive Director of the USO Intermountain Region, on Dale’s Commitment to the Cause

I mentioned at the start of the program that you all in this room donated 25,000 hours back to the USO, but that doesn’t include the countless hours our Local Advisory Council members give in support of our mission. So, this year, we are adding a new award.

Our Local Advisory Council Member of the Year Award was created to highlight one of our Local Advisory Council members who has gone above and beyond to support the mission of the USO within our Intermountain region.

Our Inaugural USO Intermountain Local Advisory Council Member of the Year for this year is… Mr. Dale Sprague, the President and Creative Director of Canyon Creative.

Ever since joining our board in November 2022, Dale has hit the ground running…almost immediately he invited me to present (and introducing me to many of his colleagues and contacts) at the Las Vegas Executives Association.

Within the first six months of joining the board, he not only had already made dozens of introductions to potential community partners and/or donors, but he also prepared a SWOT analysis that I still look back on as I make operations decisions.

Throughout his term, Dale has had the USO top of mind. He created new ways to help us increase our brand within in the community and has been directly involved in more than $25,000 to new money being donated to our mission.

Dale was instrumental and the master mind behind the Fall For our Troops campaign last fall, pulling together the various partners to help make it work. This included working with the Las Vegas Review-Journal and local media to promote and pitch the campaign, Green Valley Grocery who hosted our donation sites for Thanksgiving grocery item donations and bringing in VegasTickets.com who matched all campaign donors with a $10,000 gift.  

He was also actively involved in helping with our volunteer recruitment campaign with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which helped bring in more than 30 potential new volunteers throughout the course of that campaign.