CIG brochures in a grid across a surface


CIG Insurance

Capital Insurance Group, CIG, founded in 1898, is a leading property and casualty insurer serving the Western U.S. In 2019, they were acquired by Michigan-based Auto-Owners Insurance. Working with CIG’s Marketing Team, we were instrumental in boosting revenue for the company in a very short time. We developed a multi-level, cross-media marketing plan for their Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer audiences that allowed for personalized as well as agent co-branded direct marketing. This comprehensive strategy was comprised of focused campaigns utilizing traditional, web, email, event, and alternate marketing techniques. Much of the emphasis was on cross-selling policies to clearly defined demographics and creating campaigns that complement and enhance each other across the various marketing platforms.

CIG Insurance booklet
CIG Insurance brochure
CIG Insurance promotional material
CIG Insurance magazine ad
CIG Insurance magazine ad
CIG Insurance magazine ad
CIG Insurance magazine ad, sidebar
Vintage graphic CIG Insurance campaign
3 monitors with vintage restaurant menu graphics
Vintage restaurant graphics